If you’ve already chosen the best pet for you but are undecided between a cat or a dog, let me share my personal experience to help you make a decision. At 25 years old, I have had both cats and dogs for over a decade, and I can say that owning a cat is different from owning a dog. So, which one is more suitable for you?

First, consider the type of pet companionship you prefer. Do you want a pet that is constantly by your side, providing constant company, or do you prefer a pet that gives you some space and independence?

DogsDogs are usually more dependent on their owners, eagerly welcoming you home and seeking attention and affection, providing a strong sense of belonging and fulfillment.Requires a significant amount of time and effort for care, including daily walks, addressing potty issues (especially for large breeds), and managing their high energy levels.
 Training dogs for activities like fetching enhances emotional bonding and understanding between humans and dogs, fostering a sense of achievement.Lack of long-term companionship and patient training may lead to behavioral issues like destructive behavior due to loneliness and frustration.
 Dogs offer security, particularly for women, as loyal and reliable companions, making them excellent guardians.High cost of ownership including expenses for food, medical care, toys, and general grooming.
CatsCats have a more independent nature, maintaining a certain distance while expressing affection appropriately, such as rubbing against you and respecting personal space.Cats’ stable and calm presence can be therapeutic, offering stress relief through cuddling or cohabitation, with purring known to have soothing effects.
 Compared to dogs, cat care is relatively easier with their adaptability and ability to entertain themselves in smaller spaces, requiring less living area and daily maintenance.Cats’ independence may lead to less responsiveness to owners, which may not suit individuals seeking strong interactive companionship.
 Regular nail trimming is essential for cats to prevent scratching injuries during interaction.Cat litter odor can be strong, requiring careful consideration, especially for those sensitive to smells.
Both dogs and cats share common concerns such as shedding, body odor, and maintenance costs, necessitating a certain financial burden and the need to limit bathing frequency.

Regarding Dogs

a dog with child

Most dogs are indeed very clingy.

When you come home from work, your dog usually gathers around you at the door, as if afraid you might forget about it. Once inside, if you don’t spend a few minutes petting it, it will stick to you like a loyal little shadow, following you wherever you go.

Dogs can engage in deep interactions.

They can participate in many interactive games, and you can train them in skills like fetching items. Through this process, both the owner and the dog experience growth. When you realize that your dog is always paying attention to you, you feel deeply satisfied and accomplished. Even for dogs with slightly lower intelligence, given enough time and patience, they can learn simple things.

Dogs indeed provide a strong sense of security.

Many girls dream of having a sturdy large dog as a companion. Even though I have a small dog, it barks to alert me when there are unusual noises outside the door. When I sit down to rest, it always keeps me company. When I’m feeling down, even if I might not understand the words I say, I can feel its emotional response to me. It provides me with a solid sense of security and emotional comfort.

Regarding Cats

The cat sunbathing.

They are more independent and have a sense of space.

Although my four young cats at home don’t greet the owner as enthusiastically as dogs do, they express closeness by gently rubbing against you. Cats possess a quiet and healing power. Mature cats are elegant and emotionally stable, capable of bringing calmness to people. When you’re experiencing strong emotions, cuddling with a cat can provide comfort, as studies show that a cat’s purring has a soothing effect.

Caring for cats is relatively worry-free.

Just provide them with an adequate amount of food, a clean litter box, and a comfortable environment, and they will entertain themselves. Their living space requirements are also smaller compared to dogs. For busy individuals, cats may be more suitable as pets. However, whether it’s a small or large dog, they still need enough exercise and space to expend their energy; otherwise, keeping large dogs confined in small spaces for extended periods can lead to depression and restlessness, resulting in destructive behavior.

Other Experiences

Addressing dogs’ toileting issues requires regular walks to ensure they relieve themselves outside. If there isn’t enough time for walks, training them to relieve themselves at designated spots is necessary. Failure to provide effective training during the puppy stage may result in the dog urinating and defecating indoors.

Keeping pets (especially dogs) requires long-term companionship and patient education. If unable to provide this, it’s not advisable to have a dog. In reality, many people end up confining or rehoming pets due to a lack of time, patience, or concerns about destructive behavior.

Although some people misunderstand cats as being ominous or aloof, most of them are affectionate and have strong subjective initiative. Cats may occasionally scratch their owners, usually due to untrimmed claws. Additionally, cat excrement can have a strong odor that some people may find intolerable. Keeping cats also entails certain financial expenses, such as food, vaccines, and routine care.

In summary, before deciding to keep a pet, one should carefully consider whether they can meet their needs, including time, finances, and living environment. Whether it’s a dog or a cat, they each have their advantages and challenges, requiring responsible care and attention from their owners.

If you’ve already decided to choose between raising a dog or a cat, you can check out our other two articles on choosing to raise dogs or cats.

How to Select the Perfect Cat Breed for Your Family

How to Choose the Perfect Dog Breed for Your Lifestyle