Understanding it leads to loving it more. Hello everyone, I’m Amory, a pet consultant from Lynpet. Today, we will first discuss how to choose a cat that suits you.

Regardless of how you acquire a cat, the first impression upon meeting is crucial. Is its fur long or short? What color and pattern does it have? Is its face round or slender? These factors undoubtedly influence whether you will fall in love with it at first sight. However, often after this romantic moment, a series of questions arise.

Common Problems Encountered When First Raising a Cat

  • Disobedience: “Kitty, come here. Kitty, don’t you want to come? Don’t you like me?”
  • Biting: “Please don’t bite me, okay?”
  • Damaged furniture: “Look at what you’ve done to the sofa!”
  • Shedding everywhere: “Can you please shed less?”
  • Accidental damage: “Did you do this?”
The white cat has been on the table all along.

Indeed, when you only see the cute side of a cat, you may overlook many of the aforementioned issues. In fact, these problems are almost universal challenges for all cats. For example, most cats may not always respond positively to you but only when they are in a good mood. Additionally, whether long-haired or short-haired, almost every cat sheds, making it less ideal for allergy sufferers. Cats generally have a curiosity and may enjoy pushing things off tables, finding it amusing.

Understanding The Personality Traits of Cats is Crucial

In addition to some innate characteristics, cats also have different personalities. Although there is no superiority between them, choosing a cat that matches your personality is crucial for harmonious coexistence.

For families with children

Some kittens may not have mastered restraint in their bite strength or claw use, making them unsuitable for raising. Similarly, some timid and easily startled cats may not be suitable for playing with children.

Working individuals

For cats in their critical socialization period (before 6 months), a lack of companionship may lead to excessive activity or sensitivity, or even illness. Therefore, for working individuals like us, it is more suitable to choose cats with stable and relatively independent personalities.

Elderly people

Typically, elderly people prefer companionable cats. Therefore, choosing a quiet and affectionate cat is most suitable.

Generally, adult cats are quieter, while kittens are more active; female cats are more delicate, while male cats are relatively independent. Of course, there are exceptions, so before adopting a cat, it is essential to inquire in detail about the cat’s personality from the previous owner. Responsible previous owners, whether adoption agencies, pet stores, or individuals, have an obligation to provide relevant information. If they cannot describe the cat’s personality, it is advisable to consider other sources.

Understanding the Cat’s Health Condition is the Most Important

Finally, it is crucial to understand the cat’s health condition. When deciding whether to bring a cat home, in addition to asking the previous owner about the cat’s past medical history, immunization records, and sterilization records, you can also preliminarily judge the cat’s current health condition through the following methods.

  • Observe the cat’s appearance for extensive or localized hair loss and whether its eyes, nose, ears, and anus are clean and hygienic
  • Observe the cat’s behavior. If possible, use treats or toys to entice the cat and observe whether its walking, running, and jumping postures are normal, without distortion or discomfort.
  • With the help of the previous owner, stroke the cat from head to toe and pay attention to whether it shows any signs of pain during interaction or if there are any odors on its body.

Now, if you’ve found an adorable, personality-matching, and healthy cat, you can bring it home and start enjoying pleasant companionship.

Remember, every cat is an individual, so even within a specific breed, there can be variations in personality and behavior. Spending time with a cat before bringing them home and ensuring that they are a good fit for your family is key to a successful adoption.

Next, I will provide you with an introduction to different cat breeds. If you’d like to gain more knowledge and information, please read A Guide to Cat Breeds: Characteristics, Care, and Lifespan and follow us for updates.